


Messaging & Positioning

Creating a brand-aligned identity that conveys your message and positions you as the go-to leader in your field.
Our team works with yours to develop, enhance, or refresh your brand’s voice from naming companies to designing marketing and comms plans.
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Content Creation

Our experienced writers take your organization’s voice and values and create compelling content that delivers results.
From contributed blog posts to opinion pieces to podcast production, our writers — who are widely published authors in their own right — create compelling content for paid media partnerships, proprietary research, and other types of original content that delivers results.
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Media Relations

Engaging with the media to share your company’s story and specific value proposition you to contribute to the conversation.
We proactively cultivate story ideas to help amplify your narrative. We build relationships with leading national reporters, editors, producers, podcasters, and social media covering your industry — from mainstream to niche — to get earned media coverage (what most people think of when they say “PR”).
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Speakers & Awards

We build your credibility by highlighting your deep understanding of your field and your unique insights about industry trends, and position you for opportunities such as prestigious conferences, bespoke events, award nominations, and inclusion on influential lists.
Our team works with yours to develop, enhance, or refresh your brand’s voice from naming companies to designing marketing and comms plans.
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Comms & Leadership Training

Learn how to communicate effectively so that you are prepared for all aspects of external and internal communications.
We help you feel confident and on-point during an interview, town hall, or analyst call by teaching you how to engage on- and off- camera and answer tough questions effectively.
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Training & Crisis

Providing strategic communications support to address unexpected and critical situations transparently and credibly.
We work with you to proactively plan for possible challenges with key audiences. When difficult moments arise, our crisis communications guidance will help you preserve your organization’s reputation.
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Highlights of client work in 2024


With a combination of premier media traction and speaking opportunities that have resulted in over 4.8 billion impressions. We have helped Dr. Ali Rezai elevate the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute of the University of West Virginia to an internationally recognized and respected player in the field. 

Northwell Health

An evolving 10 year partnership with Northwell Health, New York State’s largest health system and private employer. Thunder11 is proud to be the agency of record for the health system. We work with their award winning PR team on a daily basis to serve the system’s 87,000 employees including talented physicians, scientists, and nurses at over 21+ hospitals in the New York City area, and now in the Hudson Valley and Connecticut.


Engaging with off the radar tech unicorn in Latin America and helping to position as an innovative and fast growing organization whose CEO and founder is profiled at top venues. The key is integrating thought leadership and revenue generating opportunities to grow the business.

US State Department 500x300

Public diplomacy made in different avenues and showcasing the cultural and artistic palace of the United States, historically was the thrust of this assignment from the State Department. Diplomatic reception rooms play host to the expression of global power. Thunder 11 positions the State Department to carry on this tradition with messaging and media relations. 


Utilizing Thunder11’s track record and promoting recent democracies, their attractiveness for trade and investment, their travel and cultural destinations or possibilities form the bulk of our work with this client.


Applying our expertise and representing technology and ad tech companies for a new advertising holding entity, minority owned at their large Bespoke event to launch the company.

Trusted By

A selection of current and former clients.

Meet the Team

WTH is Thunder 11?

Marshall McLuhan, the ultimate communications guru and the man behind such prophetic statements as “the medium is the message,” divided human history into 10 thunders. The first thunder happened when man learned how to speak, the Primacy of the Ear. The fifth was the invention of the printing press. The tenth was broadcast media. Each thunder represented a giant technological leap forward in humankind’s ability to communicate, and each thunder had enormous implications for our evolution. What, then, is the next step?

If the Primacy of the Ear is the beginning, and oral tradition allows for shared culture, expanding the tribe, and thusly outsourcing individual thought to a collective act. The Primacy of the eye moves that tradition from spoken to written words so the tribe endures over generations and distance, the Primacy of Electronic connection expands the tribe beyond physical connection to global potential. The internet of things, AI, augmented reality, direct brain interfaces and the like are all dealing in the realm of outsourcing collective cognitive capability to distill generations worth of thought into a single search query, The Primacy of the Mind, the 11th thunder.

In a world of limitless ideation and imagination how and who, are the priests, shamans, doctors, mothers who mediate this new reality, and wield it in the physical world? How do we get from ideas to execution in a world where ideas are infinitely expressible in some ways, but still must adhere to the rigid strictures of logistics, software and culture to be fully realized? What are we doing to harness the capabilities of the 11th Thunder to produce winning outcomes for our clients as they navigate this rapidly evolving wilderness? We harness an adaptive and dynamic talent pool, who are sharpened in their own right and deploy on your behalf in meaningful ways. 

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